Saturday, January 26, 2013

A little Inspiration for today.

Here is a little inspiration for you today! Go out and do something! Cause you are awesome!
Watch this video!
Right now!
Have a nice day!

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Snow day!

The beautiful view on the way to Badger Creek.

On the road!
This semester has already been so much fun!
This is my first real winter with snow and coldness and it has definitely been an adventure.
I have fallen in the snow and learned how to layer my clothes so that I stay warm all day.
Lucky for me, I have found myself a cuddle buddy. His name is Adam Jackson and he has been my boyfriend for a whole 2 days now!
How exciting! My first college-big-girl-boyfriend!

My latest adventure was this past Monday. My ward took a trip to a school owned facility called Badger Creek. I had my first real sledding experience AND Adam ended up losing control of the car momentarily and we ended up in a snow filled ditch. Surprisingly it was tons of fun! Luckily we have good enough friends that stopped and helped us pull the car out of the snow.

Next on the agenda was sledding! After getting to the Lodge we put on all of our winter gear, grabbed our sleds, and climbed up the hill. It was so much fun!! I only ended up going down the hill a few times because it was freezing, but it was a great experience.
Shout-outs to Adam Jackson, Cassy Hack, and Taylor Cade for making my day exceptionally awesome!

 The scenery was so beautiful as we headed to Badger Creek. I couldn't help but take lots of pictures.

 I really wished my family was there to experience the beautiful scenery with me. Especially Preston and Lindsey. They have never seen the beauty of snow covered mountains in the winter. So these pictures are for them: Lindsey-loo and Little Man.

Adam drove us off the road...

Luckily a bunch of our great, manly guy friends stopped to help!

Me and my roommate Cassy!

Stuck in the snow after Adam drove us into a ditch.

Taylor and Me after our first sledding experience.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

The Frozen Tundra... of doom

As y'all know... this place is ridiculously cold! I'm from the beach, I am not used to this cold nonsense!

Rexburg had it's first snow fall in October, and by the time I came back from Christmas break, there is a solid and thick layer of snow on everything. It's even gotten into the negatives since I've been here!! Luckily I just got myself a super cute new coat, and I have been stockpiling cute boots for some time now.

Meet the newest members of my collection! >>>
They just came in today and I am so excited! I can't wait for Sunday so I can wear them!

So how in the world do I keep myself warm in the frozen tundra you ask...
BIG coats that make you sweat when you're indoors
Hats, Gloves, and cute scarfs that you're momma makes for you
Hot Chocolate
Lots of Socks
Cuddle buddies! (currently accepting applications)

Most of the time the cold isn't that bad. The worst parts are when you slip in the snow or melted snow inside the buildings... which I have already done. AND when you step outside and it's so cold your nose hairs freeze. Ick. Not fun.

But the snow is so beautiful and makes life a lot more interesting. Although I won't see green grass for a long time, i'm going to make sure I have fun in the snow while I can!

Might I add that it's 36 degrees outside right now, and I think it's warm!